This "GUTS" review is getting my old self back!

Here’s an in-depth review of each track from Olivia Rodrigo’s “GUTS” album, complete with scores out of 10:

All-American Bitch - A fiery opener that sets a rebellious tone for the album. Its catchy chorus and edgy lyrics make it an instant hit. Score: 8.5/10

Bad Idea, Right? - This track captures the essence of post-breakup impulsiveness. The melody is infectious, and Rodrigo’s vocal delivery is poignant. Score: 9/10

Vampire - The lead single stands out with its metaphorical depth and haunting production. It’s a bold artistic statement that pays off. Score: 9.5/10

Lacy - A softer, more introspective song that showcases Rodrigo’s range as a songwriter. It’s a beautiful, melancholic piece. Score: 8/10

Ballad of a Homeschooled Girl - With clever lyrics and a reflective mood, this ballad resonates with anyone who’s ever felt out of place. Score: 7.5/10

Making the Bed - A metaphor for trying to put life back together, this song’s gentle melody contrasts with its deeper lyrical content. Score: 8/10

Logical - A standout ballad that highlights Rodrigo’s emotional vulnerability. The simplicity of the arrangement amplifies its impact. Score: 9/10

Get Him Back! - An upbeat, catchy tune about reclaiming power in a relationship. It’s fun and empowering. Score: 8.5/10

Love Is Embarrassing - A quirky and relatable song about the awkwardness of young love. Rodrigo’s wit shines here. Score: 7.5/10

The Grudge - A darker, more intense track that explores holding onto anger. The powerful chorus is memorable. Score: 8/10

Pretty Isn’t Pretty - This song tackles the complex relationship with beauty standards. It’s thoughtful and provocative. Score: 8.5/10

Teenage Dream - A nostalgic closer that reflects on the highs and lows of adolescence. It’s a fitting end to the album. Score: 8/10 

Obsessed - A catchy and energetic track that showcases Rodrigo’s versatility. The song’s infectious beat and memorable lyrics make it a standout. Score: 8.5/10

Girl I’ve Always Been - This introspective song reveals Rodrigo’s growth as an artist. Its heartfelt lyrics and melody create a touching listening experience. Score: 8/10

Scared of My Guitar - A raw and emotional piece that highlights Rodrigo’s singer-songwriter roots. The acoustic arrangement complements the vulnerability in her voice. Score: 9/10

Stranger - A haunting ballad with a minimalist approach, allowing Rodrigo’s storytelling to take center stage. It’s a beautiful exploration of identity and change. Score: 8.5/10

So American - The brand new track is a bold statement with a strong narrative. It’s a fusion of Rodrigo’s signature sound with new elements, reflecting her artistic evolution. Score: 9/10

Overall, “GUTS” is a compelling journey through the trials of growing up, with Rodrigo’s songwriting maturing alongside her. The album’s average score is 8.3/10, reflecting its strong emotional resonance and musical diversity. 

The “spilled” edition adds depth to the “GUTS” album, with each new track contributing to the overarching themes of self-discovery and empowerment. The average score for these additional tracks is 8.6/10, indicating a strong addition to an already impressive album.

That's all for now, see you next week!


  1. Um... I'm a bit confused. I thought you hated Vampire and Get Him Back, and that Obsessed was your favorite of her songs. Is this an AI generated review or something?

  2. This blog is not from me, this is a prank from Daniel


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